Our Story

I am the mother of many children.

Five, I hold in my arms daily. Sixteen are held in the arms of Jesus.

Our first baby was born when I was just 19 years old, two months after celebrating our first wedding anniversary. Just four months later, we were surprised to find ourselves pregnant with another baby. And at 11 weeks pregnant, we lost her.

Over the next twelve years, we would birth three more precious babies, bring a teenager home from a war-torn country, and, in the midst, suffer fourteen more miscarriages, including one set of twins.

I’ve known the joy of two pink lines and the dampening fear of the past. I’ve had my heart shattered in a million pieces over and over again and I’ve been grateful to see God mend it every time.

I have seen the Goodness of God in the land of the living (Ps. 27:13).

After four years as a birth & miscarriage bereavement doula, walking with women through their most joyous and most heartbreaking moments, God called me to step out and tell my story, and so The Christian Miscarriage Co. was born.

The Christian Miscarriage Co. is a ministry that seeks to end the silence and lack of support in the Church surrounding miscarriage and pregnancy loss, support women in their heartache, and proclaim the faithfulness of God.

Interested in having Cate speak to your church, event, or organization? Fill out the form and we will reach out to you.