You’re still a mama….

Wherever you are in your journey, whatever you’re feeling right now, I have been there. Every stage of grief, shock, and disbelief is a moment I’ve sat in and simultaneously wished it would go away and prayed it never would for fear of forgetting the life I held so briefly. And the depths to which I would go to prevent anyone from having to feel this despair are so deep.

But they are not nearly as deep as the depths of our God’s love for us. The bounds of his mercy are limitless and whether you are in a place right now where you feel His love enveloping you or you are wondering if He even exists or cares, He is holding you in His mighty hand.

The Podcast

     The Christian Miscarriage Co. Podcast is a place I pray is a breath of fresh air to you in a world that makes you feel like you’re drowning in loneliness. With the heart of a mama who has lost entirely too many babies and a soul who only found rest in Jesus, my hope is that by listening to TCMC Podcast, you’ll find hope, understanding, and a friend as you navigate the world and emotions as a mama who has experienced miscarriage or pregnancy loss. 

You’ll find episodes on miscarriage birth experiences, pregnancy loss resources, tips for support people, and most importantly, faith in a dark time. I pray it will give you whatever it is you are looking for and point you directly to the one who will give rest to your soul.


Join a Group

     The Christian Miscarriage Co. Still A Mama Groups are different than a typical grief support group and counseling services. It’s not a place where week after week you will work through your trauma, although we highly suggest finding one. 

Instead, these groups are a place where women who have experienced miscarriage find a community, understanding, and help from others who know the unique pains of losing a baby before birth.

They are a place to build friendships on a foundation of faith in Christ through your hardest moments and support each other (and newcomers) through the immediate grief, the due dates, and future pregnancies.

Join a Still A Mama group today and FIND YOUR TRIBE.


  Words I Could Not Say is a raw and emotional collection of writings offering a rare insight into the mind and emotions of a faith-filled but grieving mother of loss. Mothers experiencing the same grief will feel seen, heard, and finally not alone as they read the words only another mother of loss could think or write. 

This collection of over 20 journal entries in the forms of both poetry and prose shine a light onto the innermost and most private thoughts mothers of miscarriage never can seem to share.

Shop with a purpose.


I lift up the woman reading this prayer right now to you as she walks through some of the darkest day sof her life. I praise you for being the giver of life and the conqueror of death. We know that even though you are not the cause of the death of her precious baby that you will bring beauty from these ashes and that you will raise her up to a place where she will use this tragedy to glorify you.

Because right now that is not on her horizon, I ask you to meet her where she is now. Invade the hidden places of her heart and be the Comforter, the Peace, and the Provider she needs in these moments where she cannot see anything but her fear, her hurt, and her questions.

Hold the tongues of those who would say something hurtful and put people in her path to give her a space to grieve while pointing her to you.

For we know that all things work together for the good of those who love you.

We thank you for these things in Jesus Name.

Let it be so.

My prayer for you

  • “But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.

    PSALM 3:3 ESV

  • “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble withthe comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

    2 CORINTHIANS 1:3-4

  • “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”

    PSALM 73:26